CWI Faculty Handbook

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The CWI Faculty Handbook is a comprehensive document that outlines the policies and procedures related to faculty members at the College of Western Idaho (CWI). It covers topics such as faculty rights and responsibilities, performance expectations, academic freedom, and procedures related to hiring, promotion and tenure. It also provides information on the college’s core values, grievance procedures, and standards of professional conduct. The handbook serves as an important resource for both faculty members and college administrators.


The CWI Faculty Handbook is a document that outlines the policies and procedures related to faculty members. It provides information on faculty rights and responsibilities, performance expectations, academic freedom, and procedures related to hiring, promotion and tenure. The handbook is also a valuable resource for both faculty members and college administrators.

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

The Faculty Handbook outlines the rights and responsibilities of faculty members. It provides information on the college’s core values, as well as faculty expectations for professional conduct. It also outlines the process for filing grievances and provides guidance on how to address any conflicts that may arise.

Performance Expectations

The Faculty Handbook outlines the college’s expectations for performance. These expectations include standards for teaching, scholarship, service, and professional development. The handbook also provides information on the review and evaluation process for faculty members.

Academic Freedom

The Faculty Handbook outlines the college’s commitment to academic freedom. It provides guidance on the rights of faculty members to explore and discuss topics in the classroom, as well as the college’s responsibility to protect these rights.

Hiring, Promotion, and Tenure

The Faculty Handbook outlines the procedures related to hiring, promotion, and tenure. It provides information on the application process, as well as the criteria used to evaluate candidates. The handbook also outlines the process for granting tenure and promotion.

The CWI Faculty Handbook is a comprehensive document that outlines the policies and procedures related to faculty members at the College of Western Idaho. It serves as an important resource for both faculty members and college administrators, providing information on faculty rights and responsibilities, performance expectations, academic freedom, and procedures related to hiring, promotion and tenure. The handbook also includes guidance on the college’s core values, grievance procedures, and standards of professional conduct.